Copper Slag for Dry Abrasive Blasting

Copper slag is also used for dry abrasive blasting. As per according the name of Copper slag is dry abrasive media. Copper slag is by product of copper smelting and refining on the matte side. The natural substance of copper slag is produced by quenching of slag in water in a specially designed granulator at copper smelter. Land filling, road construction, building material, and abrasive blasting are all uses for copper slag. Dry copper slag abrasive blasting has been used in road making or building, raw material, making suggested by users. Researchers have investigated the use of copper slag in the creation of concrete, mortar and concrete as natural substances for clinker, concrete replacement, coarse and fine aggregates.

The use of mass to partially substitute sand in concrete is permitted up to 10%. Dry abrasive blasting the coarseness at the surface is the most progressive methodology for metal surface cleaning before arc spray gun. The item meets the most unbending health and ecological standards. Dry copper slag abrasive grit blasting cabinet has been replaced by sand and the applications will lead to safer and cleaner dust free climate, gives top caliber and high proficiency. It cuts the surface faster resulting into low worker hours necessity and close to white metal finish no. implant.

Advantages of Dry Copper Abrasive Blasting

  • The dry copper slag abrasive blasting is good sand blasting machine efficient.
  • The dry copper slag abrasive shot blasting cabinet is available in very low Cost. Copper slag is very cheaper than all types abrasive grit blasting media.
  • It is very effective and good for handicraft and shot blasting room.

Physical of Dry Copper Slag Abrasive Blasting

The shape of the dry copper slag abrasive grit blasting machine is granules. Copper slag abrasive blasting building material land filling road construction abrasive tools cut wire shot tools, tiles and glass roofing granules properties of copper slag physical granulated, Dry copper slag abrasive blasting is black in color and hardness of dry abrasive blasting is 6 to 7 moh's scale, the scale specific gravity 3.51of dry copper slag abrasive blasting and the bulk density of dry copper slag abrasive blasting density 1.87 (kgl) bearing ratio 56% max dry density is 2.55 gm/cc.

Application of Dry Copper Slag Abrasive Blasting

  • For sandblasting
  • Industrials
  • Aerospace
  • Wood, furniture
  • For removal of paint, coating,
  • Remove the dust particles in railway coaches
  • Handicrafts, wooden
  • Tanks, heat exchangers
  • Stones, marble, transformers
  • Military
  • Ships
  • Bridges
  • Dam Gate
  • Turbines and blades
  • Vehicle bodies, cars, bikes, vehicles, buses, truck bodies and chassis
  • Windmill
  • Casting and forging, etc.